Physical Education

Our school is involved in a skills oriented school wide physical education program, which usually incorporates a Fundamental Movement Skills Program for Junior Primary students and the development and application of skills in various sports and activities in Years 4-6. Emphasis is placed on enjoyment, participation, the development of movement and strategic skills and sportsmanship. We also encourage Sporting Schools participation, and provide a running club once a week before school.

The program includes the development of a range of skills in areas such as sport, games, dance and gymnastics. Aquatic skills are developed through the In-Term Swimming Program which operates for Years PP–6. It is compulsory for all students to be involved in a minimum of two hours per week of physical activity. Children are expected to be dressed appropriately on sport and physical education days with suitable footwear. We encourage students to wear faction shirts on PE/Sport Days particularly in Term 3 when athletics practice and carnivals occur.

Carnival and Interschool Competition

Carnivals and interschool competition conducted throughout the year include:

  • Interschool Lightning Carnival – Term 2
  • School Cross Country Carnival  – Term 2
  • Interschool Cross Country Carnival  – Term 3
  • School Athletics Carnival – Term 3
  • Interschool Athletics Carnival – Term 4

Swimming – Vacation Lessons

Vacation Swimming Classes are also offered by the Swimming and Water Safety Branch of the Department of Education annually and are advertised via our School Newsletter and the Department of Education website.