Communication with Parents

The relationship between home and school plays a very important part in a child’s education. Communication between our school and parents is seen as essential to promoting a mutual understanding between both parties to enhance the quality of education at this school. With effective communication it is believed that a more supportive environment will develop. We cannot overestimate the critical role parents play in successful learning.

Parents contribute much to their child’s development and are among the most important influences on the way in which the child approaches learning. Teachers are responsible for the more formal aspects of children’s learning and successful teaching builds on the home experiences of the child. This is most effective where there is an active partnership with parents.

Two-way communication is a critical factor in the partnership between parents and the school. Where a partnership exists, it is easier for parents to feel confident about the teaching and learning taking place in the classroom and to solve problems. We will seek to keep parents well informed about what is happening at our school.

How we communicate with you

Communication will take place in many different forms –

  • Regular notices through Parent and Carers of Mullaloo Beach Primary School Connect page
  • MBPS Website
  • MessageU SMS
  • Formal Written Reports and other reporting mechanisms
  • Parent-teacher interviews (as required)
  • Notes and letters
  • Sway Newsletter
  • Surveys
  • Annual Report
  • Displays of children’s work
  • Assemblies
  • Special events and celebrations (e.g. ANZAC Service)
  • Parent information sessions

Parents are welcome to talk to their child’s teacher when they need to and should make an appointment to avoid disrupting the learning program or preparation time that occurs before school.

Parent Information Evenings

Each teacher/class holds a meeting with their students’ parents early in Term 1 each year at an advertised time after school to allow as many parents to attend as possible. This is an opportunity to meet your child’s classroom teacher. At this meeting, teachers outline curriculum programs, behaviour management, homework expectations and other operational aspects and expectations for the year. It is an opportunity to ask questions you may have about the year ahead. Parent information evenings are not opportunities for formal parent interviews; however, interviews can be arranged at this time.

Parent/Teacher Interviews/Meetings

The Principal and teachers are always pleased to discuss with parents any issues that may arise either with their children’s schooling or general welfare. Parents wishing to meet with teachers are requested to make an appointment so that a suitable time can be arranged. This can be done by speaking to the class teacher or sending a request via their email. It is necessary so that interruptions to class work or preparation time can be kept to minimum as well as enabling teachers to allow adequate time for the meeting. Teachers cannot come to the telephone during lesson times. Personal telephone numbers for teachers or students are not given out.

Interviews will be of two types:

  1. Parent teacher interviews held as required at the request of either party.
  2. Interviews for those parents who wish to discuss their child’s report.

Appointments to see the Principal can be made by contacting into the office.